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Judy Gillespie
Social Work
Other Titles: Director of School of Social Work and Associate ProfessorPhone: 250-807-8745
Email: judy.gillespie@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Child welfare and the role of community in child and family well-being;
Mutli-sector collaboration to enhance Indigenous well-being;
Interprofessional expertise for child welfare practice;
The role of place in well-being;
The role of attachment to place in professional retention;
Place-based practice.
Courses & Teaching
The role of community in the promotion of child welfare
Sustainable community development
Interactions of people and place; the role of place in well-being
Expertise for interprofessional child welfare practice
University-community collaboration
My primary interests are in the role of communities and their social, physical, and political infrastructures in the promotion of child welfare. I am also interested in place; the role of place in well-being, the interactions of person and place, including the ways in which professional practice is shaped by place. I approach these interests through a post-structural lens. My social work practice experience includes child protection, mental health therapy with children, adults and families, and co-facilitation of group treatment programs for perpetrators of intimate partner violence. I have practiced community organizing in a variety of settings with much of this occurring in rural areas and Aboriginal communities in northern Alberta.
Ph. D. University of British Columbia (School of Community and Regional Planning)
Dissertation: Restructuring the Child Welfare Dialectic: State Community interactions and Community Responses in the Governance of Child Welfare in Rural and Remote Localities. (Supervisor: Dr. Nora Angeles)
MSW University of Calgary (Faculty
Research Interests & Projects
Evaluation approaches for community change initiatives to address Aboriginal child and family well-being.
(Primary Investigator)
Co-Investigator: Dr. Jason Albert, First Nations University of Canada, School of Indigenous Social Work
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Feb, 2017-Feb, 2018
Building Capacity to Investigate Interprofessional Child Welfare Expertise
(Primary Investigator)
Co-Investigator: Dr. Jonathon Davies, Douglas College, British Columbia, Department for Child, Family and Community Studies
Collaborator: Dr. Rick Hood, Kingston University, United Kingdom, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education.
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
July, 2015-June, 2017
Selected Publications & Presentations
More, J.1, Williams, B., & Gillespie, J. (2016). Reformulating understanding of productivity for clinical social work practice. Canadian Social Work, 18(1), 23-40.
Hood, R., Gillespie, J. & Davies, J. (2016 Advance Online Access). A conceptual review of interprofessional expertise in child safeguarding. Journal of Interprofessional Care. doi: 10.3109/13561820.2016.1173656. Access this article at: http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/5geheJsVBXEJBavGbAS7/full
Abel, M.1 & Gillespie, J. (2015). Network Analysis in co-productive research with a multi-sector community network. Community Development Journal, 50(2), 327-344. doi:10.1093/cdj/bsu040
Whiteley, R., Gillespie, J., Watts, W., Robinson, C. & Carter, D.1 (2014). Effective teaching and learning in interprofessional education in child welfare. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 2(4), 148-158.
Rutko, E.1 & Gillespie, J. (2013). Where’s the wilderness in wilderness therapy? Journal of Experiential Education, 36(3), 218-232.
Gillespie, J. (2013). Being and becoming: Writing children into planning theory. Planning Theory, 12(1), 64-80.
Gillespie, J. (2013). Novel ideas for community centered clinical practice: Facilitating graduate students understanding of sense of community and place. Smith College Studies in Social Work, 83(1), 45-60.
Gillespie, J. (2012). Teaching Note: Enhancing social work education through team based learning. Journal of Social Work Education, 48(2), 377-387.
Gillespie, J. & Redivo, R.1 (2012). Type of community as confounding variable in the satisfaction of rural mental health clinicians: Implications for evidence-based workforce development. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education, and Practice, 7(1), 20-32.
Gillespie, J. & Redivo, R.1 (2012). Personal-professional boundary issues in the satisfaction of rural clinicians recruited from within the community: Findings from an exploratory study. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 20, 35-39.
Gillespie, J., Whiteley R., Watts, W., Dattolo, L.1 & Jones, D.2 (2010). Interprofessional education in child welfare: A university-community collaboration between nursing, education and social work. Relational Child and Youth Care Practice, 23(1), 5-15.
Gillespie, J. (2009). Family centers in rural communities: Lessons for policy, planning and practice. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services, 90(1), 96-102.
1. Denotes student co-authors
2. Denotes community partner co-authors.
Selected Grants & Awards
Evaluation approaches for community change initiatives to address Aboriginal child and family well-being.
(Primary Investigator)
Co-Investigator: Dr. Jason Albert, First Nations University of Canada, School of Indigenous Social Work
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Feb, 2017-Feb, 2018
Building Capacity to Investigate Interprofessional Child Welfare Expertise
(Primary Investigator)
Co-Investigator: Dr. Jonathon Davies, Douglas College, British Columbia, Department for Child, Family and Community Studies
Collaborator: Dr. Rick Hood, Kingston University, United Kingdom, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education.
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
July, 2015-June, 2017
I-Ethics: Implementation of an Integrated Ethics Curriculum in the Health and Human Service Programs at UBC
Primary investigator: Dr. Leslie Bainbridge, College of Health Disciplines, UBC
Funding: UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund
March, 2015 – February, 2017
Network Governance to Address Off-reserve Aboriginal Child Welfare in Rural and Remote Localities
(Primary Investigator)
Research Collaborator: Dennis Whitford, Senior Advisor Aboriginal Services, Northwest Child and Family Services Authority
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
April, 2008 – March, 2012
Recruitment and Retention in Rural and Remote Child and Youth Mental Health: Best Practices Models and Innovations (Primary Investigator)
Funding: Lower Similkameen Community Services Society and British Columbia Ministry of Child and Family Development
July, 2007-June, 2011
Education for Effective Interprofessional Practice in Child Welfare (Co-investigator)
Primary Investigator: Robert Whiteley (Education)
Co-investigators: Wilda Watts (Nursing), Cathy Robinson (Nursing)
Funding: UBC Okanagan Integration of Teaching and Research Grant
April, 2010-March, 2012
Meet Your Professor: Judy Gillespie (youtube.com)